Mike Marchev’s Six-Week Sales Course For Travel Professionals

Where has the time gone. We are on Module Six and this is the last one in the program. You know know a lot more than you did before you started this course. Now it is up to you to put what you have learned into motion. It is time for some action, and my money is on you.

Training Information
Video Time: 1:00
In this module I’m going to focus on the importance of having the proper mindset and attitude. Don’t sell this aspect of your business short. The most important lesson I learned while training for The Ironman is that “The Mind Quits First.” As soon as you get your head in order the sooner you will begin enjoying a profitable travel business.[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

More “Mindset” Educational Materials

Attitude Adjustment PDF Download (Click Here)
The Right Mindset
A successful business begins with a healthy mindset. It starts in your head. Attitude may not be everything but it is miles ahead of whatever is in second place.
This module’s Primary Message: You are playing on a level playing field. You have access to everything you need to meet your business objectives. The only thing that is holding you back is you. Once you realize that you are in business to help others make better travel-related decisions while adding to their memory bank you will begin putting the fun and accomplishment back into your efforts. Your future success in this or any other business begins with a healthy mindset.
1. What daily tasks seem to be wasting your time?
2.What negative ideas are you putting into your mind daily? STOP IT. Make up your mind right now to fill your head with positive input. You are a good, hard working well-intentioned individual trying to help others. There will never be a need to apologize.
3. Who do you want to hear “no” from? Who do you want to hear “yes” from. These should be the same people.
4. What marketing tactics are not working for you? What seems to be working?
5. Other than visibility, what is the biggest problem, issue, or concern you have at this stage in your business?
Pare Your Current Client List: CLICK HERE
Better – Neutral – Worse: There are only three things that can result from a new introduction. Your strategy is to decide what outcome is most desirable and make it happen. You can make people feel better, neutral or worse having met you. Guess what strategy makes the most sense?
There are only three things that can result when you meet anybody for the first time. You are in position to influence the outcome. But you must have a plan and avoid casting your future relationships to the wind. Remember: Luck favors the prepared mind. Louis Pasteur first said it. I am quick to endorse it. The smarter you work, the luckier you will get.
The 1.6% Rule: It is the little things … the small details that will position you as the #1 “go-to” source. Just a little bit better is all that is required. Be on the lookout for ways you can improve your daily performance … just a little.
Email Marketing Tip: Ten more seconds can make all the difference in the world. Personalize your emails. Think through your Subject Line. Address each email personally. All of them … from now on.
For the next three weeks I am going to remind you of 15 Marketing Mistakesyou need to eliminate from your daily program. I will highlight one each day to give you ample time to focus, reflect and think about how you can avoid making these mistakes.
Selling Mistakes
Sales Mistake #1: Trying To Upsell
Sales Mistake #2: Not Being Obsessed With People
Marketing Mistakes 1 & 2
1. You don’t know to whom you are marketing.
It is too easy to fall into the trap of simply hanging your shingle that reads “Open For Business.” Yes. Selling is a numbers game. Yes. There are millions of people who want and/or need your services. Yes. No matter what you do, some mud will stick now and then if you sling enough of it resulting in a few new business transactions. But if you don’t have all the time in the world, then it is far more prudent to focus on a tightly specified area of interest. Quite frankly, I don’t care what this focus involves or who it involves. I am simply reminding you that the tighter your focus, the more successful you will be in the long run. Know whom you want to do business with. Harley bikers? Bus groups for seasoned people? School trips? Golf outings? Sporting events? Small businesses? Large businesses? Trips to Italy? Cruises? Home-based businesses? Owners of one-eyed dogs? There are only four hundred million examples I could use. If you want a lesson in reality as it relates to interest groups, take a field trip to your local Barnes & Noble book emporium and walk the magazine rack. There is a magazine for virtually every hobby, trend or whim in the universe…. and there are hundreds of them…. and more on the way. As our planet continues to fill up with people, they tend to hang with people who exhibit similar tastes.These are the groups I am asking you to identify. Once you know who you are going to market to, your life becomes instantly more enjoyable. You will find that this is easier said than done. Most worthwhile things are.
2. You don’t know why your customers buy.
Let’s use an example to “drive” this point home. If I asked you what attributes you look for when shopping for an automobile, you would give me your buying criteria on the matter. These are your personal feelings as they relate to you – specifically. If I asked someone else what it is they look for when they shop for a car, chances are they would give me an entirely new set of “needs.” You may say “style.” While others might say “speed.” Another might be looking for “gas economy.” Another – “price.”. Another – “the sound system.” (Don’t laugh at this one. I once sold a car entirely based on the speakers strategically positioned behind the rear seats.) I think you get the idea. What you think from this day forward does not matter. What your prospects think is the only thing that does matter. Therefore, you must get into the habit of asking them what is on their mind. Once you get this information, you will be in for lots of new business.

List of Pages
- #5758 (no title)
- Video 1: Target Marketing
- # 44: Stick To The Basics
- 15: Interviewing Errors
- 16 Selling Strategies
- 2014 Jump-Start Cruise: Part 2
- 2015
- 2016 New Registration Form
- 2017 List Builder
- 2017 Mike Marchev Cruise Details
- 2017 Sales Course
- 2018 Cruise Workshop With Mike Marchev
- 2018 Training Cruise
- 3-Training program
- 3rd Thursday: Groups with Stuart Cohen
- 42
- 43: Repetition
- 45
- 46
- 47
- 48
- 49
- 50
- 6-Week Sales Class
- 6-week sales course
- 6-Week Sales Course (JF)
- 8 Mental Triggers
- A Sales Retreat at Sea
- A Sincere Invitation To “Try” The Inner Circle
- A Sure-Fire Positioning Strategy
- A-1: How Do You Feel About Your Progress?
- A-2: Making a Difference
- Abbott Medical Optics: Let’s Get Ready To Rumble
- Abbott Medical Optics: One More Thing
- About
- Ama Test
- Ama Video Wrenched
- AMA Videos
- AMA-Audio-1
- ama-training
- AmaWaterways BDM Ina Vainio
- AmaWaterways Interview
- AmaWaterways Podcast
- ams-new
- Andy-Ama-Fam-Video
- Annual Cruise Training Conference
- Article Collection
- Audio 10
- Audio 11
- Audio 12
- Audio 13
- Audio 14
- Audio 15
- Audio 16
- Audio 17
- Audio 19
- Audio 2
- Audio 3
- Audio 36 – Follow Through
- Audio 4
- Audio 5
- Audio 6
- Audio 7
- Audio 8
- Audio 9
- Audio Clips-2014
- Audio Collection
- Audio Collection
- Audio x
- Audio-18
- Audio-40
- Audio-41: I Have An Idea!
- audio-clip
- Authors
- Bagwell
- Become The Exception: Chapter 10:
- Blog
- bob
- Bonus Training Videos
- Books
- Box Cover Page
- Box Explanation Video
- Branding With Karl
- Branding With Karl
- Brutally Honest Opinions From Mike Marchev
- Capture More River Cruise Business
- chicago
- class-5: Lead
- class1
- Come Cruise With Mike
- Communication Stinger For a Saturday
- Competing With The Big Boxes
- Confirmation
- Creative Positioning
- crise 2018
- Cruise Holidays Invitation
- Cruise web form
- Cruise Webinar Bonus
- Customer Service Collection
- Dean Martin
- Differentiation Video Clip
- Differentiation With Authorship
- Do It Now!
- Draft Instatheme
- Ebook Webinar
- Flights
- Frank
- Get More Business Form
- Get More Travel Business
- Get More Travel Business Pre-Launch Announcement
- Get More Travel Business: Gift
- Getmorebiz
- GMTB-Introduction
- GMTB-Thank You Page
- Golf Lesson
- Guernsey Goblet Golf Lesson
- Handout
- Has Mike Gone Nuts?
- Hotspot
- How To Sail The Leeward Islands
- hybrid
- I’m Just Sayin
- Independence Thank You
- Inner Circle Details
- Inner Circle Promo
- Inner Circle Promo 2-24-16
- Inner Circle Promo Video
- Interview With Anthony I
- Just Sayin Book Launch
- Kingdom Magic Sales Meetings
- Kleiber-NY
- Landing-page
- Lead Box
- Make Your Own “Luck” Happen
- Manual Get More Business Report Sign In
- Marketing
- Marketing Tips Registration
- Marsh
- MAST Guest Presenter: Mike Marchev
- Mike Marchev’s Monthly Training Course
- Mike Marchev’s Promotional Videos
- Mike Marchev’s Two Support Options
- Mike’s Memo
- Mike’s Memo
- Mike’s More-On Series
- Mike’s Sales Page
- Mike’s Sales Project: Week 3
- Mike’s Training Videos
- Mistake-1
- Mistake-10
- Mistake-11
- Mistake-12
- Mistake-13
- Mistake-14
- Mistake-15
- Mistake-2
- Mistake-3
- Mistake-4
- Mistake-5
- Mistake-6
- Mistake-7
- Mistake-8
- Mistake-9
- Mistakes & More Mistakes
- Monday Morning
- More List Welcome page
- More Travel In Less Time
- More-On a Proven Selling System
- new blank
- New Inner Circle Design
- November 12: Inner Circle Meeting
- paper Template
- Paper Template Model
- Photos
- Pre-Launch Announcement – GMTB
- Presentation
- Professional Salesperson’s Alphabet
- Promo: How Do You Feel?
- Question & Answer
- quiz
- Quiz
- Race To Bottom
- reflection
- Reflection Friday Introduction
- Reflection Video
- Reports
- River Cruise Photos
- riverbook
- Sales & Marketing Mistakes
- Sales 101: Intro/Myths
- Sales Class 1
- Sales Class 2
- Sales Collection
- Sales Course-1
- Sales Course-2
- Sales Course-3
- Sales Course-4
- Sales Course-5
- Sales Course-5
- Sales Course: Your Tool Box
- Sales Letter
- Sales Letters
- Sales Mistake #1
- Sales Mistake #10: Not planning the day efficiently.
- Sales Mistake #2: Not being obsessed with helping people
- Sales Mistake #3: Not listening to the prospect
- Sales Mistake #4: Not empathizing with the prospect.
- Sales Mistake #5: Seeing the prospect as an adversary
- Sales Mistake #6: Becoming distracted
- Sales Mistake #7: Not taking detailed notes
- Sales Mistake #8: Failing to follow through
- Sales Mistake #9: Focus
- Sales Postcards
- Sales Tip #1
- Sales Tip #21: Come To You
- Sales Tip #3: Making Better Eye Contact
- Sales-class-4
- sales-page
- salesclass-notes
- Sample Presentation Script
- Scrolling Text
- Sell More Travel In 2017 with Mike Marchev
- Selling Skills
- Seminar at Sea List
- Six-Week Sales Course
- Skill Tip 2
- Special River Cruise Webinar
- Sting #1: Create a Glowing Future
- Strategic Work Session: The Brilliance of the Seas
- Summer School Details
- Summer School: Module 1
- Survey Page
- Teleconference Sample
- test
- thank-you
- Thanks For Helping Me Out
- The “DIP”
- The 1.6% Rule
- The Book That Makes a difference
- The Marchev Letter
- The Mike Marchev Sales Project Week 4
- The Mike Marchev Sales Project Week 5
- The Mike Marchev Sales Project: Week 10
- The Mike Marchev Sales Project: Week 6
- The Mike Marchev Sales Project: Week 7
- The Mike Marchev Sales Project: Week 8
- The Mike Marchev Sales Project: Week 9
- The Wealthy Travel Agent
- This Is a Fun Business
- This is a test page
- Three promotional Videos For Mike Marchev
- Tip #1
- Tip #1
- Tip #1
- Today’s Morning Memo To Me
- Travel Agent Myth #1
- Travel Business-Building Summer School
- Travel Leaders Support Materials (My Card)
- Travel Saver Membership Special
- Uncle Madness
- Uncle Madness
- Vcom Conference 2014
- VCOM Post-Hollywood Conference
- Video 2: The Rule of 7
- Video 3: Contact Procedures
- Video Collection
- Video Collection
- video-test
- Videos
- Videos
- Wanted:
- Week 2: Niche Marketing
- Week-1
- Welcome To The Inner Circle
- Year-End Survey