Create Your Own Marketing Message

Sales Mistake #7: Not taking detailed notes
Relying on memory is a fatal practice. Here is the long and short of it: Write everything down. Take notes.
Memories can be short. And nights are for sleeping. Not tossing and turning trying to remember if you have forgotten some important issue for tomorrow’s sales presentation. The master at this is a client/friend of mine. This man is running a $150 million company and forgets nothing. Paul has a mind like a steel trap. Or does he? He is the best I know of at not dropping the ball while juggling a great many of them at any single moment in time.
His secret is no secret. He writes things down. He writes everything down. And he doesn’t throw the note away until he feels that he has received complete satisfaction by his definition. Once the task is appropriately addressed, completed or formally delegated, he takes the piece of paper and rips it into tiny shreds before throwing it away which clears his mind for the next one. When this guy crosses something off his list, it stays crossed off.
Write things down and give your memory a much needed rest.
Sales Mistake #8: Failing to follow through.
After all is said and done, more is said than done. The key is follow through. Everyone says they know this…very few people manage to do it.
Talk is cheap, so after all is said and done, more is said than done.
If you want to distance yourself from the competition, do what you say you are going to do. Then, do these three things:
(1) Show up if you say you will;
(2) Show up on time if you say you will;
(3) Show up on time looking good if you say you will.
That’s it. The Big Three.
Here is a bonus suggestion for good measure:
(3A) Call people back if you say you will—sooner rather than later.
Everyone is quick with a promise today. Most of us have sincere good intentions. Few people can be counted on to follow through consistently. Be that person. Be the exception.
Marketing Mistake #7
You don’t ask for the business.
“If he wanted to do business with me, he would call me.”
Think of it this way. You are a professional. If you don’t ask me to do business with you, you are an AMATEUR.
Now the choice is yours. Are you a pro, or are you a wanna-be?
Here are some facts:
Some people are going to think you are pushy no matter what you do or say.
Some people are going to tell you to “buzz-off.”
Some people are going to threaten to call the cops.
Some people are down right lazy slugs and although they are looking at you straight in the face, they do not have a single clue what you just said to them or asked them to do.
Some people will be reluctant to do business with you but they will agree just the same.
Some people will be glad you asked. Others will take offense.
Some people won’t wait for you to ask and demand that you take their business.
This is what makes the world such a zany yet attractively fun planet. It takes all kinds. And believe me, there are all kinds out there.
As long as you are not a crook, thug, or a dishonest ex-con, you have nothing to apologize for. Just stick to your knitting. Keep on asking for the business.
Marketing Mistake #8
You are boring people
Hey, you can answer this one yourself.
Who do you want to spend time with?
Choice A: A boring, whining, negative slug?
Choice B: A proactive, fun, creative, idea-generating, bundle of energy.
This my friends is what is known in the business as a “no-brainer.”
Give me the “action-guy/gal” each and every time.
If you are boring — stop being boring.
If you are not boring, don’t become boring.
Need a slogan to pace your day? Fail Faster.
Failing at anything is never boring. In fact, it often is quite exhilarating. Don’t fail “stupid.” But do get away from your daily comfort zone and stretch a little.
Okay. Enough about mistakes.
[/text_block]List of Pages
- #5758 (no title)
- Video 1: Target Marketing
- # 44: Stick To The Basics
- 15: Interviewing Errors
- 16 Selling Strategies
- 2014 Jump-Start Cruise: Part 2
- 2015
- 2016 New Registration Form
- 2017 List Builder
- 2017 Mike Marchev Cruise Details
- 2017 Sales Course
- 2018 Cruise Workshop With Mike Marchev
- 2018 Training Cruise
- 3-Training program
- 3rd Thursday: Groups with Stuart Cohen
- 42
- 43: Repetition
- 45
- 46
- 47
- 48
- 49
- 50
- 6-Week Sales Class
- 6-week sales course
- 6-Week Sales Course (JF)
- 8 Mental Triggers
- A Sales Retreat at Sea
- A Sincere Invitation To “Try” The Inner Circle
- A Sure-Fire Positioning Strategy
- A-1: How Do You Feel About Your Progress?
- A-2: Making a Difference
- Abbott Medical Optics: Let’s Get Ready To Rumble
- Abbott Medical Optics: One More Thing
- About
- Ama Test
- Ama Video Wrenched
- AMA Videos
- AMA-Audio-1
- ama-training
- AmaWaterways BDM Ina Vainio
- AmaWaterways Interview
- AmaWaterways Podcast
- ams-new
- Andy-Ama-Fam-Video
- Annual Cruise Training Conference
- Article Collection
- Audio 10
- Audio 11
- Audio 12
- Audio 13
- Audio 14
- Audio 15
- Audio 16
- Audio 17
- Audio 19
- Audio 2
- Audio 3
- Audio 36 – Follow Through
- Audio 4
- Audio 5
- Audio 6
- Audio 7
- Audio 8
- Audio 9
- Audio Clips-2014
- Audio Collection
- Audio Collection
- Audio x
- Audio-18
- Audio-40
- Audio-41: I Have An Idea!
- audio-clip
- Authors
- Bagwell
- Become The Exception: Chapter 10:
- Blog
- bob
- Bonus Training Videos
- Books
- Box Cover Page
- Box Explanation Video
- Branding With Karl
- Branding With Karl
- Brutally Honest Opinions From Mike Marchev
- Capture More River Cruise Business
- chicago
- class-5: Lead
- class1
- Come Cruise With Mike
- Communication Stinger For a Saturday
- Competing With The Big Boxes
- Confirmation
- Creative Positioning
- crise 2018
- Cruise Holidays Invitation
- Cruise web form
- Cruise Webinar Bonus
- Customer Service Collection
- Dean Martin
- Differentiation Video Clip
- Differentiation With Authorship
- Do It Now!
- Draft Instatheme
- Ebook Webinar
- Flights
- Frank
- Get More Business Form
- Get More Travel Business
- Get More Travel Business Pre-Launch Announcement
- Get More Travel Business: Gift
- Getmorebiz
- GMTB-Introduction
- GMTB-Thank You Page
- Golf Lesson
- Guernsey Goblet Golf Lesson
- Handout
- Has Mike Gone Nuts?
- Hotspot
- How To Sail The Leeward Islands
- hybrid
- I’m Just Sayin
- Independence Thank You
- Inner Circle Details
- Inner Circle Promo
- Inner Circle Promo 2-24-16
- Inner Circle Promo Video
- Interview With Anthony I
- Just Sayin Book Launch
- Kingdom Magic Sales Meetings
- Kleiber-NY
- Landing-page
- Lead Box
- Make Your Own “Luck” Happen
- Manual Get More Business Report Sign In
- Marketing
- Marketing Tips Registration
- Marsh
- MAST Guest Presenter: Mike Marchev
- Mike Marchev’s Monthly Training Course
- Mike Marchev’s Promotional Videos
- Mike Marchev’s Two Support Options
- Mike’s Memo
- Mike’s Memo
- Mike’s More-On Series
- Mike’s Sales Page
- Mike’s Sales Project: Week 3
- Mike’s Training Videos
- Mistake-1
- Mistake-10
- Mistake-11
- Mistake-12
- Mistake-13
- Mistake-14
- Mistake-15
- Mistake-2
- Mistake-3
- Mistake-4
- Mistake-5
- Mistake-6
- Mistake-7
- Mistake-8
- Mistake-9
- Mistakes & More Mistakes
- Monday Morning
- More List Welcome page
- More Travel In Less Time
- More-On a Proven Selling System
- new blank
- New Inner Circle Design
- November 12: Inner Circle Meeting
- paper Template
- Paper Template Model
- Photos
- Pre-Launch Announcement – GMTB
- Presentation
- Professional Salesperson’s Alphabet
- Promo: How Do You Feel?
- Question & Answer
- quiz
- Quiz
- Race To Bottom
- reflection
- Reflection Friday Introduction
- Reflection Video
- Reports
- River Cruise Photos
- riverbook
- Sales & Marketing Mistakes
- Sales 101: Intro/Myths
- Sales Class 1
- Sales Class 2
- Sales Collection
- Sales Course-1
- Sales Course-2
- Sales Course-3
- Sales Course-4
- Sales Course-5
- Sales Course-5
- Sales Course: Your Tool Box
- Sales Letter
- Sales Letters
- Sales Mistake #1
- Sales Mistake #10: Not planning the day efficiently.
- Sales Mistake #2: Not being obsessed with helping people
- Sales Mistake #3: Not listening to the prospect
- Sales Mistake #4: Not empathizing with the prospect.
- Sales Mistake #5: Seeing the prospect as an adversary
- Sales Mistake #6: Becoming distracted
- Sales Mistake #7: Not taking detailed notes
- Sales Mistake #8: Failing to follow through
- Sales Mistake #9: Focus
- Sales Postcards
- Sales Tip #1
- Sales Tip #21: Come To You
- Sales Tip #3: Making Better Eye Contact
- Sales-class-4
- sales-page
- salesclass-notes
- Sample Presentation Script
- Scrolling Text
- Sell More Travel In 2017 with Mike Marchev
- Selling Skills
- Seminar at Sea List
- Six-Week Sales Course
- Skill Tip 2
- Special River Cruise Webinar
- Sting #1: Create a Glowing Future
- Strategic Work Session: The Brilliance of the Seas
- Summer School Details
- Summer School: Module 1
- Survey Page
- Teleconference Sample
- test
- thank-you
- Thanks For Helping Me Out
- The “DIP”
- The 1.6% Rule
- The Book That Makes a difference
- The Marchev Letter
- The Mike Marchev Sales Project Week 4
- The Mike Marchev Sales Project Week 5
- The Mike Marchev Sales Project: Week 10
- The Mike Marchev Sales Project: Week 6
- The Mike Marchev Sales Project: Week 7
- The Mike Marchev Sales Project: Week 8
- The Mike Marchev Sales Project: Week 9
- The Wealthy Travel Agent
- This Is a Fun Business
- This is a test page
- Three promotional Videos For Mike Marchev
- Tip #1
- Tip #1
- Tip #1
- Today’s Morning Memo To Me
- Travel Agent Myth #1
- Travel Business-Building Summer School
- Travel Leaders Support Materials (My Card)
- Travel Saver Membership Special
- Uncle Madness
- Uncle Madness
- Vcom Conference 2014
- VCOM Post-Hollywood Conference
- Video 2: The Rule of 7
- Video 3: Contact Procedures
- Video Collection
- Video Collection
- video-test
- Videos
- Videos
- Wanted:
- Week 2: Niche Marketing
- Week-1
- Welcome To The Inner Circle
- Year-End Survey